I'm in the middle of work in the middle of the day and oblivious to the rest of the world. The phone buzzes and I qucickly look down and the first three numbers paralyze me. . . it is the school. My son is in 6th grade at a mainstream school and we are almost to the end of the year. I remember all the meetings I had with the school in kinder, first, second, third and fourth. Racing across town to the school to pick him up when he was sent home. The 4th grade meeting was led by the disgruntled science teacher. Angry and loud, she told me my son was oppositional, she could not teach the class, he argued with her, made noises, and could not get along with others to be science experiment partners. I wanted to remind her my son has every legal right to be at the school. I wanted to remind herof 3rd grade when he won the science award. They gave him a little lab coat with a certificate. I could use this to suggest she was a shitty teacher compared to 3rd grade science but instead I suggested that he do the experiments on his own. A gasp came from the group of teachers. NO NO NO they said, he has to do what everyone else does just like everyone else. But he isn't like everyone else I said. We know about autism, they said. We have autistic children ourselves they said. Accomodations and 504 I told them. The outcome of the meeting seems to have been decided before we started. No solo science experiments. My son would get a behavior chart- a reward system. Eraser tops and trinkets don't cure autism I explained because behavior charts assume the kid is able to regulate his emotions and is capable of making a choice. My kid is learning to self regulate. But they "know autism." I finally answer the phone forcing my voice to be pleasent and cheery and upbeat and positive. He has every right to be there I tell myself. The school is fundraising and calling parents directly. They just want money. I am relieved. Deep breaths.
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This was powerfully and beautifully written and struck so many chords. Thank you for so generously sharing your story. It is posts like this that let others know that we really have a community of shared experiences and are not alone! I could really feel what you were conveying. Thank you.